In this section, you will find the titles that you will most often see in front of a dog’s name on a pedigree.  Since we are dealing primarily with East German
Shepherd dogs, you won’t see any of the titles often associated with other breeds, such as hunting field trials, etc.
UKC  CH:  United Kennel Club Champion
UKC  Grand CH (or U-GRCH) : United Kennel Club Grand CH
UKC  is strictly an owner-handler venue – you cannot hire a professional handler to show for you.
For more information on UKC , go to
INT CH:  International Champion
There are now several organizations within the USA offering shows with “International” judges
where you can attain your INT CH without having to leave the Country – they bring the judges to YOU.
For more information on International All-Breed Canine Association   shows, go to
For more information on Iinternational Canine Events   shows, go to
For more information on International Canine Kennel Club shows, go to  
AM CH:  AKC conformation show Champion  (Neumann’s Jim was one!)
GRAND CH:  AKC GRAND Show Champion

For more information on showing in AKC, go to
DDR Sieger (SGR) Male East German  Conformation Champion
DDR Siegerin (SGRN) Female DDR Conformation Champion
JS/JSg (Jugend Sieger/Siegerin  (Youth Champion titles)
WORKING CHAMPION TITLESDDR-MS (Participant in the DDR Meisterschaft (Working Championships)
DDR-MS Sgr or Siegerin would be the winner of that year’s National Championship
ES – Europasieger (Lord v Gleisdreieck)
BSP (Bundessiegerprüfung) German National Working Championships
LGA (Landesgruppenausscheidung) German Regional Working Championships
HGH Sgr/Sgrn: Winner of the Herding trials
In German or International shows, each dog is given a conformation rating, listed here from highest to lowest:
VA =    Vorzüglich Auslese  (excellent select – only given at a Sieger Show, normally to WGR showline dogs )
V   =    Vorzüglich  (Excellent)  Dogs must have working titles to qualify for V/VA
SG =    Sehr Gut     (Very Good)
G   =    Gut             (Good)
M  =    Mangelhaft (Poor)
U   =    Ungenügend (Unsatisfactory/insufficient)
VP =    Versprechend (Promising – puppy rating)
VVP = Vielversprechend (Very Promising – puppy rating)*       =  Angekört (Breed surveyed)  This asterisk will usually appear  before the name of the great grandparents/great-great grandparents in DDR pedigrees,
signifying that they were breed-surveyed.  Lack of space on the pedigree prevents the display of the Körbericht (Breed survey report) as it is listed for the
parents and grandparents.

United Kennel Club proudly promotes performance events, and their motto is “Real Dogs for Real People”.  Among the performance events that GSD’s can and
do participate in are Obedience,  Rally,  Agility,  Weight Pull,  Lure Coursing,  Dock Jumping, Nose Work, Barn Hunt.


Here you will find most of the more common working titles/classifications that a dog may have.
We’ll begin with the German titles/certificates:
AD               Ausdauersprüfung (endurance test, required to go for Kör, 12.5 miles in 2 hrs )
BH               Begleithund (Traffic-sure Companion dog test, for obedience and temperament,
mandatory before a dog can do his FH or Schutzhund test (Except dogs with HGH).
DH               Diensthunde (working service dog – Police/military, etc)
DPO            Diensthunde Prufüngsordnung – service dog championships
EZ                Einfache Zucht : Simple Breeding-  Only one parent has a working title
GZ               Gebrauchshundzucht – Utility Dog Breeding. Both parents have working titles
FH(1,2,3)     Fahrtenhunde  – advanced tracking titles (FH3 no longer exists)
HGH           Herdengebrauchshunde – Herding dog)
IPO(1,2,3)   International Prufungsordnung Same as Schutzhund – Obedience, tracking and protection title.
Kkl-1           Körklasse I (Preferred) Especially recommended for breeding
Kkl-2           Körklasse II   Suitable for breeding
KLZ             Kör- und Leistungszucht (PINK PAPERS) qualification/performance breeding
(Both parents have working title/breed survey,  all 4 grandparents working-titled)
KZ                Körzucht (Both parents have breed surveys)
Lbz               Lebenszeit (Weiderankörung) Breed surveyed for life
LZ                Leistungszucht (Working/performance breeding – parents/grandparents all have working titles)
Mil DH        Military Diensthunde (Miltary service dog)
PSH (1,2,3)  Polizei Service Dog
RH (1,2)      Rettungshunde (Search and Rescue dog)
SchH 1,2,3   Schutzhund ( Protection, Obedience and tracking trials)  – Same as IPO now
SV –              Schaferhunde Verein (Verein fur das Deutsche Schaferhunde)
SZ                 Schaferhunde Zucht (Prefix to a dog’s German Registration number)
WH              Wachhund (Watch dog/guard dog)
ZB                Zuchtbewertung : Breeding Evaluation Rating (seen before or after dog’s name, ZB:V, ZB:SG)
ZDH             Zolldiesnthund (Customs Dog)
ZH (1,2)       Zollhund  (Border Patrol Dog 1-2)
ZtP/ZtPr       Zuchttauglichkeitsprufung (Breed Suitability Test)
ZW               Zuchtwert. Breed Value Assessment – number assigned to indicate potential of parents to  
pass on their traits to their puppies
                    –  100 is a median. So in the case of HD, lower is better!
CD/CDX      AKC Companion dog (obedience titles)
HIC/HIT      AKC Herding instinct tests/titles
TD/TDX      AKC Tracking titles

For many more titles including AKC, go to

Also after the name (normally) you will find hip/health  ratings, although on the very old DDR pedigrees, it shows as simply an “a” in front of the dog’s name:

German SV Ratings for hips and elbows:
a-normal (a1)               normal  structure (best rating)
a-fast normal (a2)        almost normal structure
a-noch zugelassen (a3) still allowed, but the lowest rating allowed to breed
Ausland (a6)                hips that were certified, but in another country outside Germany
(Anything below this is not allowed to breed in Germany and many other countries)

DDR German hip rating:
a-zuerkannt             “approval awarded” Old DDR hip rating given to dogs with good hips

OFA Ratings (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals)
For hips, they are graded as follows from best to worst:
Excellent, Good, Fair, Borderline, Mild Dysplasia, Moderate Dysplasia, Severe Dysplasia
Elbows are only graded as normal, or not
OFA also certifies a number of other things, such as Cardiac, Thyroid, Patellas, etc…

For more info on OFA hip dysplasia, and the ratings systems, go to:

The next thing you might expect to see on East German Dog pedigrees is a registration number.  The numbers will usually have a prefix, such as SZ-,  DDR-,
Or DN-, or something to that effect.
The numbers beginning with SZ- are issued by the German Shepherd Club of Germany, the Schaeferhunde Verein.  The pups in a litter are registered in order
alphabetically by name, males first, then females.  This is done at 7 weeks of age when they are tattooed by the breed warden, and the names are entered into
the breed warden’s book permanently.

The numbers beginning with DDR were of course issued under the registry in the old DDR.  Many dogs had both DDR and SV numbers if they were alive at
the  reunification of Germany.  All DDR dogs to be bred or breed surveyed after 1989 had to be re-registered with the SV, and were given a second number.

AKC’s numbers begin with DL, DN, etc.

The next thing you might expect to see on a pedigree is the ZB (Zuchtbewertung) or show rating (V, SG, G)

Also on some pedigrees online, you may see ZL (Zuchtlinie)  designations such as:
ZL:V-A (5-A), ZL: XI-A (11-A) or ZL:XIII-A, etc…  for an explanation on the breedlines, go to the Zuchtlinie page.

You may further expect to see either the Körbericht (Breed survey report) or the DDR Breed survey, which is listed as WZ: (Wertmessziffer) in the form of
four letters, a slash, and two more numbers (for example: 5445/45)

                                        DDR Wesenwertmessziffernsystem
In the old DDR (East Germany) working dogs were rated under the Wertmessziffer system ( “measured value number” system, which was quick and easily
understood by breeders/buyers wanting to study the conformation/temperament of any dog with a rating.
For example, a dog with a WZ of 6545/55 would be powerful, noble and strong, with harmonious and pleasing lines, good angulation, , even-tempered, calm, can
take corrections very well,  with very good fighting instinct and hardness.Below is a chart of the system.   In pedigrees, you may see the numbers preceded by  “WZ” or DDR Kör:

1st digit
2nd digit
3rd digit
4th digit
5th digit
6th Digit



slinky, soft


nervous, afraid, very shy
1 to 5 only



lacks secondary sex

lacks proportion;
angulation, gait or chest

easily frightened, lacking
courage or sensitive to





dentition faults,

lacking forehand or
backhand depth
unsure, frightened at
times, may have
sharpness, may be aroused/agitated easily





deficient coat or weak

standard angulations
distrustful or aggressive
toward people (DDR




Sufficiently strong
temporary development
or maturing faults or
slow maturing

good angulations
aggressive, has much
sharpness and exceptional
hardness, mean-spirited




Medium Strong
nobility and strength,
harmonious and
pleasing lines
excellent conformation,
harmonious, excellent lines
even-tempered, calm, can
take corrections very well

very good

very good



good conformation, ample
chest development
even-tempered, calm, can
take corrections




soft ligaments and
joints, obvious visible
softness in one or both ears

stretched body through long
even-tempered, calm,
sensitive toward






even-tempered, calm,
indifferent, little sharpness






appearance of
soft bones

(combining 6-8 above)

no sharpness, little
reaction, depressed, soft




On SV pedigrees today, the dog’s parents’ and grandparents’ color and markings (Farbe und Abz.) are listed below the titles in abbreviations such as:
b     =  braun (brown)                                          Kopfabz  =  Kopfabzeichen (head markings)
bg   =  braungelb (brown-tan)                             A            =  Abzeichen  (markings)
d     =  dunkel (dark)                                           Br           =  Brust (chest/rib cage)
g     =  gelb  (tan or yellow)                                  D           =  Decke (saddle)
gew =  gewolkt (clouded/mixed colors)               F            =  Fang (muzzle)
ggr  =  gelbgrau (tan-gray)                                  L            =  Läute (legs)
gr    =  grau (gray or sable)                                 M           =  Maske (mask)
grg  =  graugelb (gray-tan )                                 Pf           =  Pfoten (Paws/Feet)
h     =  hell (light/pale)                                          R            =  Rücken (back)
s      =  schwarz (black)                                         S            =  Sattel  (saddle)
w     =   weiss (white)

You may see these colors and markings in many combinations.  It helps to understand that in the German language, nouns are capitalized; therefore since a marking
is a noun, it is capitalized, whereas the colors are not.  Also note that Gray in GSD’s in Germany is sable to us.
Examples:  sbA is black with brown Markings, dgr is dark sable, grbM is sable with a brown Mask.Other notations on the pedigree may include:
Geschw: (littermates),
Geschlecht (gender)  Rüde is male;  Hündin is femaleThere are many other notations that could appear on the pedigree and Körbericht, but they cannot all be covered here.